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Convert Year

Enter a year in any calender and you will get converted to all other calendars instantly.





A year is a period of time that represent a completion of a time cycle.
This time cycle can be when the Earth complete an orbit around the Sun or when the Moon complete 12 orbits around the Earth, or when the Earth complete 365 rotation around itself. But not only.
These time cycles are different from one to the other:
The Earth complete an orbit around the Sun in about 365.25 days.
The Moon complete one orbit around the Earth in about 29.53 days.
The Earth rotates around itself in about 24 hours but measurements suggest it is slowing down in about 2.3 milliseconds each 100 years.

year counting

The Gregorian year counting system that has reached today to 2024 years, is commonly used today.
But we all know that humanity did not started 2024 years ago.

There are other calendars beside the Gregorian calendar around the world, some ancient some newer. Each showing different year count. And each started in a different time at history.
Here we will use special unique calculator to convert the years between the different culture and religions. And we will provide estimation for the correlated Gregorian year to other years counting systems.

Different counts for 2024 (the current Gregorian year)

Year by the Byzantine calendar 7533
Year by the Jewish calendar 5785
Year by the Hindu calendar Hindu 5126
Year by the Chinese calendar 4722
Year by the Japanese calendar 2684
Year by the Gregorian calendar 2024
Year by the Islamic calendar * 1445

*Islamic year can be between 1444 to 1446
Other Calendars
Thai, Iranian, Taiwanese, Nepali, Burmese, Bengali, Roman

Conversion chart of 1000 years intervals

Byzantine Jewish Hindu Chinese JapaneseGregorian
85096760 6102569836003000
75095760 5102469826002000
65094760 4102369816001000
55093760 310226986000
45092760 21021698-400-1000
35091760 1102698-1400-2000
2509760 102-302-2400-3000
1509-240 -898-1302-3400-4000
509-1240 -1898-2302-4400-5000
-491-2240 -2898-3302-5400-6000

What is a Solar calendar?

A Solar calendar is a 'Dates counting system' based on the earth revolving cycle around the sun.
A solar months are between 28 and 31 days and has no relation to the moon shape.
One solar year has 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds.

Which calendar is based on the Solar calendar?

The Gregorian calendar which is the most commonly used calendar is a solar calendar.

What is a Lunar calendar?

A Lunar calendar is a 'Dates counting system' based on the moon appearance as it revolve around ther earth.
A lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days, there for the lunar months are between 29 and 30 days.
One lunar year has 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 34 seconds.
One lunar year is 11 - 12 days shorter than the solar year.

Which calendar is based on the Lunar calendar?

The Islamic calendar implements a purely lunar calendar.

What is a Lunisolar calendar?

A Lunar calendar is a 'Dates counting system' based on both moon appearance and the earth rotation around the sun.
This system align the lunar month with the solar year by changing the months lenght and count to aling with the solar year every few years.

Which calendar is based on the Lunisolar calendar?

Traditional calendars are based on the lunisolar calendar, Usually in purpose to determine religious festivals and national holidays.

what is a crescent moon?

When up to half moone is shown.

what is a Gibbous moon?

When more than half of the moone is shown.

what is a moon waxing Gibbous?

The part of the moon that is growing.

what is a moon waning Gibbous?

The part of the moon the shrinking.

How the moon changes its shape?

The mooon is a round object that reflect the sunlighe as it revolve around earth.
The reflecting shape is changing from when the moon stand between the earth and and the sun so it block the sunlight reflecting any light and is not shown from earth making a new moon.
Than the moon strat to grow - waxing, untill reflecting the full round shape of this object, and as it stand align behind they earth from the sun. And then start to shrinking again - waning, as it compleate a cycle until disappering again.

What is C.E?

C.E stand for the Common Era.
Common Era is the 'year count' used for the Gregorian calendar.
Comon Era is used as international standard for civil calendars.

What is B.C.E?

B.C.E stand for Before the Common Era - Before C.E

What is AD?

AD stand for the latin 'Anno Domini' that means the year of the Lord .(same as C.E)

What is BC?

BC stand for Before Christ.(same as B.C.E)

Gregorian Calendar

The Greogorian calendar is a solar calendar that is based on the Julian calendar which is a solar calendar too.
The Greogrian calendar has has 12 months of 28–31 days each and total of 365.25 days in one year.
The calendar spaces leap years to make its average year 365.2425 days long, approximating the 365. When starting the count from 0 the leap rule is every 4 years exept from every 100 years beside every 400 years. Meaning: every year that can be divided by four except for years that can be divided by 100 including years that can be divided by 400.

Gregorian Month chart

Name Number Days
January 1 31
February 2 28
March 3 31
April 4 30
May 5 31
June 6 30
July 7 31
August 8 31
September 9 30
October 10 31
November 11 30
December 12 31

Byzantine Caledar

According to Byzantine chronology, there were 5508 years from the creation of the world until Christ's birth. The year in this system is based on a Julius calendar. The Etos Kosmou of the Byzantine Calendar places Creation at the beginning of its year 1, 5509 BC.

Jewish Caledar

The Jewish years count start from 3761 BC, which was 0ne year before the first man Adam was born.

Today 18/10/2024 converted to Jewish date is Day16 Month Tishri Year 5785

Hindu Caledar

Hindu calendar, counting start on 18 February, 3102 BC. The Saka Era (SE) or S.E. , used in some Hindu calendars and in the Indian national calendar, with an epoch near the vernal equinox of year 78 (its year 0); its usage spread to Southeast Asia before year 1000. This era is also used (together with the Gregorian calendar) in the Indian national calendar, the official civil calendar used in communiques issued by the Government of India. Lakshmana Era, established by the Bengali ruler Lakshmana Sena with an epoch of 1118–1119. It was used for at least 400 years in Bihar and Bengal.

Holocene Calendar

The Holocene calendar, also known as Human Era for it's neolithic revolution is a year numbering system that adds exactly 10,000 years to AD count.

Islamic Caledar

Lunar Hijri calendar is also known as the Islamic, Muslim or Arabic calendar.
Islamic years count starts from 622 BC, When Muhammad's emigration (Migration in Arabic "Hijrah”) from Mecca to Medina. The Islamic calendar is a Lunar calendar and has 355 354 days in one year

Islamic Month chart

Number Name Days
1 Muharram 30
2 Safar 29
3 Rabi al-Awwal 30
4 Rabi ath-Thani 29
5 Jumad al-Ula 30
6 Jumad al-Thani 29
7 Rajab 30
8 Shaban 29
9 Ramadan 30
10 Shawwal 29
11 Dhul-Qada 30
12 Dhul-Hijja 29

Persian Calendar

The modern Persian calendar is a solar calendar adopted in 1925, replacing a traditional calendar dating from the eleventh century. The calendar consists of 12 months, the first six of which have 31 days, the next five 30 days, and the final month 29 days in a normal year and 30 days in a leap year. The Solar months are as follows:

Persian Month chart

Number Name Days
1 Farvardin 31
2 Ordibehesht 31
3 Khordad 31
4 Tir 31
5 Mordad 31
6 Shahrivar 31
7 Mehr 30
8 Aban 30
9 Azar 30
10 Dey 30
11 Bahman 30
12 Esfand 29

Southeast Asia

The Hindu Saka Era influences the calendars of southeast Asian indianized kingdoms.

What is a zodiac?

Zodiac in ancient Greek zōdiakòsis is a circle.
There are two popular zodiac's:
The Chaines zodiac that is popular in east asia, This zodiac is based on 12 year repeatable cycle of 12 animal representing each year.
And there is an astrological zodiac that belived to been originated at 4th bc by the Babylonian astronomers and later adopted by greece and egyptian. It is based on 12 month repatable cycle of 12 signs associated with constellations . some of the sings are animal and some are not.

Astrological Zodiac

Name Sign Gregorian Dates Season*
Aries - Ram ♈︎ March 21 – April 19 Spring
Taurus - Bull ♉︎ April 20 – May 20 Spring
Gemini - Twins ♊︎ May 21 – June 21 Spring
Cancer - Crab ♋︎ June 22 – July 22 Summer
Leo - Lion ♌︎ July 23 – August 22 Summer
Virgo - Maiden ♍︎ August 23 – September 22 Summer
Libra - Scales ♎︎ September 23 – October 22 Autumn
Scorpio - Scorpion ♏︎ October 23 – November 22 Autumn
Sagittarius - Archer ♐︎ November 23 – December 21 Autumn
Capricorn - Goat ♑︎ December 22 – January 20 Winter
Aquarius -Bearer ♒︎ January 21 – February 18 Winter
Pisces - Fish ♓︎ February 19 – March 20 Winter
*Season in Northern Hemisphere.

Chinese calendar

The beginnings of the Chinese calendar can be traced back to the 14th century B.C.E. Legend tell that the Emperor Huangdi invented the calendar in 2637 B.C.E. The Chinese zodiac (cycle) is a 12-year cycle based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal to each year.

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese yearIconZodiac animal Gregorian calendar
4693🐷BoarJanuary 31, 1995
4694🐭RatFebruary 19, 1996
4695🐮OxFebruary 7, 1997
4696🐯TigerJanuary 28, 1998
4697🐇Hare/RabbitFebruary 16, 1999
4698🐲DragonFebruary 5, 2000
4699🐍SnakeJanuary 24, 2001
4700🐴HorseFebruary 12, 2002
4701🐏Ram/SheepFebruary 1, 2003
4702🐵MonkeyJanuary 22, 2004
4703🐔RoosterFebruary 9, 2005
4704🐶DogJanuary 29, 2006
4705🐷BoarFebruary 18, 2007
4706🐭RatFebruary 7, 2008
4707🐮OxJanuary 26, 2009
4708🐯TigerFebruary 10, 2010
4709🐇Hare/RabbitFebruary 3, 2011
4710🐲DragonJanuary 23, 2012
4711🐍SnakeFebruary 10, 2013
4712🐴HorseJanuary 31, 2014
4713🐏Ram/SheepFebruary 19, 2015
4714🐵MonkeyFebruary 9, 2016
4715🐔RoosterJanuary 28, 2017
4716🐶Dog February 16, 2018
4717🐷BoarFebruary 5, 2019
4718🐭RatJanuary 25, 2020
4719🐮OxFebruary 12, 2021
4720🐯TigerFebruary 1, 2022
4721🐇Hare/Rabbit January 22, 2024
4722🐲DragonFebruary 10, 2024
4723🐍SnakeJanuary 29, 2025
4724🐴HorseFebruary 17, 2026
4701🐏Ram/SheepFebruary 6, 2027
4702🐵MonkeyJanuary 26, 2028
4703🐔RoosterFebruary 13, 2029
4704🐶DogFebruary 3, 2030/td>
4705🐷BoarJanuary 23, 2031
4706🐭RatFebruary 11, 2032
4707🐮OxJanuary 31, 2033
4708🐯TigerFebruary 19, 2034
4709🐇Hare/RabbitFebruary 8, 2035
4710🐲DragonJanuary 28, 2036
4711🐍SnakeFebruary 15, 2037
4724🐴HorseFebruary 4, 2038
4701🐏Ram/SheepJanuary 24, 2039
4702🐵MonkeyFebruary 12, 2040

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